about us
The Timmermann nursery produces potted plants with over 140 different varieties, which are sold in several Danish Garden Centres and supermarkets and to the European market.
Sustainability and responsibility are not just a trend, but an expectation from our customers and our raison d’être for the future. Therefore, we continuously convert and optimise production methods like reduction of water consumption and upgrade by using rainwater from the roof and closed water systems. We use very little pesticides and mostly biological control, and we invest in heat-saving climate curtains, district heating supply and next project is new LED lighting. In bonus – it provides a better working environment. See our certificates here.
A permanent team of skilled employees is the key to keep up quality and qualifications in the nursery over the years, and we also have several international members of staff in the company to step in especially in the busy season, when more hands are needed. It provides flexibility and professionalism, diversity and understanding of other peoples, and now several of them have become trainee gardeners.
To have enough space, the production is in two locations, Skovgyden and Egeløkkevej, with a total of 23,000 m2 under glass. The young plants are produced in Kenya and other warmer parts of the world, before they are potted by a robot or by hands in the nursery here in Denmark and then spring up – ready for resale.
Contact information can be found here.