Grants for LED grow light for horticulture


We are very proud to have received DKK 2,000,320 for new and innovative grow light for our potted plant production from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Energy efficiency and eco-friendliness have become more serious considerations alongside traditional factors like flower quality and yield. Investing in LED lighting for cultivation is a decision that can significantly influence the quality, yield, and profitability of our indoor grow operation. We expect a positive directly impact not only on the plants’ growth but also the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the entire operation.

LED lightning can enhance efficiency, sustainability, and ultimately, the profitability of a commercial pot plant grow with faster and stronger root formation, more uniform, compact plants and higher success rates for propagation.

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in rural areas

Timmermann: LED vækstlys til potteplanteproduktion

“Vi har udskiftet gamle lamper med 1.064 LED-armaturer for at spare energi og gøre vores prodution mere bæredygtig.

Med det nye LED-vækstlys forventer vi desuden hurtigere og stærkere roddannelse, mere ensartede, kompakte planter og bedre formering. Vi er meget stolte af at have modtaget 2.000.320 kr. til dette projekt fra den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne.


EU-kommissionen, Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne